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If you’ve been accused of committing a crime of violence in 印第安纳州, 你可能会面临严厉的处罚. 被指控罪行的性质, the harm done and how it was committed can impact what sentence could be enforced. 不管指控是什么, 被告在被证明有罪之前是无罪的, 是控方, 不是辩方, 谁有举证责任. If you are facing these kinds of charges you need to talk to an attorney so you can decide what you should do next.

There are many statutes that cover criminal acts which resulted in the death or injury of a person or involve threatening violence. 下面是其中的一些.


Murder is generally the intentional, unlawful taking of another’s life. 印第安纳州 has one murder statute (there’s an intent to kill) and manslaughter laws for voluntary manslaughter (killing someone during the “heat of passion”) and involuntary manslaughter (killing another by accident). The possible penalties for murder in the state vary according to the circumstances of the incident, 包括涉嫌犯罪者和受害者的年龄, 以及受害者是如何被谋杀的.

谋杀案中有很多潜在的辩护理由. 是清白的, if believed by the judge or jury, would result in a not-guilty verdict. 有部分防御, 例如自卫或醉酒, where there’s an admission the defendant caused the death but under circumstances showing a murder charge is not appropriate. 这一事件可能是过失杀人. Or there may have been mitigating factors that should be considered at sentencing.

The death penalty can be issued if a person is found guilty of murder and the facts warrant it. 在谋杀案中,审判分为两个阶段. 首先是确定被告是否有罪. 如果有有罪判决,下一个问题就是量刑. 在量刑听证会上, there could be evidence presented showing aggravating factors that could justify a death penalty or mitigating factors which should lead a judge or jury to decide against the death penalty.


Voluntary manslaughter could be a charge if a person intentionally kills another while acting out of passion or anger without having the time to calm down. It could apply in cases where the killing is caused in situations that arouse emotional excitement so intense (considered “sudden heat”) that a reasonable person would have acted the same way. If the accused had time to think about the situation and cool off before the killing occurred, 这将被视为谋杀.

Circumstances where this type of charge may apply would be where one is defending oneself against an attacker but overreacts and kills the other person, or when a person discovers his or her spouse having sex with another and kills one or both people. If time passes after the discovery and the aggrieved spouse takes time to prepare for the killing and commits it, 这可能是谋杀指控.

Voluntary manslaughter is punishable by ten to thirty years of incarceration and a fine of up to $10,000.


故意与儿童或未经同意的成年人发生性接触, 无论是强奸还是触摸对方的身体来唤起性冲动, 在印第安纳州是犯罪吗. Potential penalties vary depending on whether the alleged incident included violence, 武力威胁, 使用武器威胁受害者, 其他“加重”因素, 以及受害者和被告的年龄. Aggravating circumstances can increase penalties if the defendant is found guilty.

根据印第安纳州的法律, 强奸(口交)是犯罪, anal or vaginal sex or penetrate the genitals or anus of another with an object by force, 武力威胁, or while the person was incapacitated due to mental disability or unconsciousness). 强奸罪比加重强奸罪级别低, 包括使用致命武力或武器吗, 对受害人造成严重身体伤害, 或者使用“约会强奸”药物.

Sexual battery is the touching of another to sexually arouse yourself or the victim by use of force, 武力威胁, or when the victim is so mentally disabled that he or she is unable to consent. 性侵犯也是触摸一个人的生殖器, 臀部或乳房,当人不知道发生了.

是清白的, insanity and consent are possible defenses if the alleged victim was over the age of consent (16), 是有意识的并且想要性接触. Consent can be a defense to limited statutory rape cases where the alleged victim and the accused are around the same age. Consent can’t be a defense if the alleged victim is a child or a person with intellectual disabilities so severe he or she can’t consent to sexual acts.

The possible penalties range for these sex crimes range from two to forty years of incarceration and a fine of up to $10,000.


Battery is a non-consensual touching, which could be prosecuted as a felony or a misdemeanor. Batteries causing serious injury or committed with a deadly weapon are felonies. It would be a misdemeanor if the touching is intentional or knowing in a rude, insolent or angry way. If it results in a physical injury (any impairment of the person’s physical condition, 包括疼痛, 瘀伤或烧伤), 轻罪殴打将受到更严厉的惩罚.

Domestic battery under 印第安纳州 is one that causes bodily injury to certain relatives or romantic partners, 包括现任或前任配偶, 同居的人:作为配偶住在一起或曾经住在一起的人, 还有为人父母的人.

Battery causing injury and domestic battery are punishable by up to one year of incarceration and fine of up to $5,000.


We know how the 印第安纳州 criminal justice system operates and how to use the unique circumstances of each case to develop a thorough defense strategy that takes advantage of every opportunity for case dismissal, 减少电荷, 句子还原, 以及监禁的替代方案. 让我们计划一下你需要的侵略性防御. 获取更多信息和探索您的选择,请bet9九州体育登录线路 丘奇,兰登,洛普,巴内特·劳 今天致电812-725-8224或填写我们的在线表格. 初次咨询是免费的,所以你不会有什么损失. Whatever the specifics of your case, we are relentless in fighting for you.


Marc is a 肯塔基州 native, having lived and worked in the state the majority of his life. 他是肯塔基州和印第安纳州的执业律师, 他的重点是试验工作, 包括民事诉讼和刑事辩护. 他代理过各种各样的客户, 他致力于把客户的需求放在第一位. [ 律师生物 ]


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